The Blossom Trail City

Fowler Opens Pop-Up Museum Celebrating 150 Years

October 3, 2022

Fowler Opens Pop-Up Museum Celebrating 150 Years

The community of Fowler is celebrating its 150th anniversary, or sesquicentennial, and the City of Fowler has erected a pop-up museum to highlight its history over the past century and a half. The Museum will operate until Saturday, October 8, 2022 at the Fowler Improvement Association Hall located at 110 South 5th Street.

The pop-up museum features photos, stories, and artifacts from the community. Residents can also bring items to place in a time capsule that will be sealed and not opened until 2072.

“This pop-up museum is the product of the creativity, hard work, and dedication of our residents and volunteers.” said City Manager Wilma Tucker. “Fowler’s history is rich with incredible stories, and we are proud to display them in this museum for our community to experience.” said Recreation Commissioner Stephanie Mejia.

In celebration of the sesquicentennial, the Fowler Fall Festival will take place on Saturday, October 8th and is a tradition that dates back to 1933. The event features a parade, numerous food and craft vendors, music, activities, and train rides in honor of the original Fowler Switch which was established in 1872 and is the origin of the Fowler community.

For more information, including scheduling hours for special media access, contact Yvonne Hernandez at

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Last modified: October 3, 2022

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