The City of Fowler adopted its current General Plan in April 2023. The Plan covers a range of planning topics and includes goals, policies, and programs to help Fowler address today’s challenges and look ahead to 2040.
What is a General Plan?
A General Plan is a comprehensive, long-range planning document that forms the basis of land use decisions and envisions how a community will grow. It confirms community values, establishes guiding principles, and determines development policy, objectives, standards, and program proposals.
All California cities and counties are required by law to adopt a General Plan. Plans must include certain required elements, such as land use, safety, and circulation. Jurisdictions may also add additional elements based on local need and organize the plan in any way they see fit.
How does the General Plan affect me?
General plans help prioritize City actions to align with community priorities and are the basis for regulations and administrative procedures. The content of the General Plan also helps City staff, the Planning Commission, and City Council make decisions regarding land use and the physical environment. All these decisions directly impact how the community grows and develops in the future.
Adopted General Plan – Download
Appendix A – Download
Appendix B – Download
General Plan Environmental Impact Report – Read More
For more information, contact Dawn Marple, City Planner at:
Para comunicarse en español, por favor contacte a Rafael Sanchez al correo o llame al (559) 449-2700