The Blossom Trail City

Housing Element

The Fresno County Multi-Jurisdictional Housing Element update effort includes the cities of Fresno, Coalinga, Firebaugh, Fowler, Huron, Kerman, Kingsburg, Mendota, Orange Cove, Parlier, Reedley, San Joaquin, Sanger, Selma, and the County of Fresno for the sixth round of Housing Element updates.

The Multi-Jurisdictional Housing Element will provide an opportunity for countywide housing issues and needs to be more effectively addressed at the regional level rather than only at the local level.

The primary objective of the project will be to prepare several regional pieces of the Housing Element that summarize housing needs and fair housing issues. The Multi-Jurisdictional Housing Element represents an innovative approach to meeting State Housing Element law and coordinating resources to address the region’s housing needs.

Adopted 6th Cycle Housing Element

Fresno County Multi-Jurisdictional Housing Element – Download

Draft 6th Cycle Housing Element Documents

Fresno Multi-Jurisdictional 2023-2031 Draft Housing Element Appendix 1D: City of Fowler (July 2024) – Download

Fresno Multi-Jurisdictional 2023-2031 Draft Housing Element Appendix 1D: City of Fowler (March 2024) – Download

Regional housing element sections that apply countywide can be viewed on the Fresno Council of Government (Fresno COG) Multi-Jurisdictional Housing Element website at Housing Elements – Fresno COG Multi-Jurisdictional Housing Element (

Fresno Multi-Jurisdictional 2023-2031 Draft Housing Element (September 2023) – Download
Fresno Multi-Jurisdictional 2023-2031 Housing Element Public Review Draft (April 2023) – Download

Adopted 5th Cycle Housing Element
City of Fowler Housing Element 2015-2023 Memorandum – Download
City of Fowler Fresno Multi-Jurisdictional 2015-2023 Housing – Download

Dawn Marple, City Planner
(559) 834-3113 ext. 122